Join Cassandra, your spiritual guide along an 8-week chakra-balancing journey.
Balancing the 7 Chakras - 8 Week Interactive Course (Basic Access)
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70 Lessons
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Join Cassandra, your spiritual guide along an 8-week chakra-balancing journey.
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Join in as you meet your instructor, Cassandra Thistle, to hear about the expectations and what is to come for upcoming weeks for this course. This course is designed to fit any lifestyle because let's face it, life shows up and becomes busy. So, take your time with learning. Remember that self-discovery is key to success.
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When first learning about the Chakra's it is important to know there are many different cultures and beliefs that vary when it comes to Chakras. These books and course are written with respect to the Traditional Hindu Chakra System housed within the Brahmi Nadi. Though, no matter the belief system you have or read about you can think of them as spinning vortexes that collect data from your emotions, thoughts, feelings and environment.
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Join Cassandra as she suggests tips and tricks for your success during this Interactive Chakra Series Course. Talking with loved ones about your new journey and cultivating self-growth, self-worth with an an open mind will be the best tools in your back pocket.
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To solidify your commitment to your self-growth within this course, you must clearly know and understand WHY you want to take this journey. The clearer your reasons for taking this path, the more engaged you will be, and the higher chance you'll have at successfully completing it.
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Welcome to day 1 of the Root Chakra! Take some time for yourself to discover the sensations that are happening around and in your body. Then, define your chakra matrix with associations of imbalances, organs, and conditions of this energy center.
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Welcome to Day 2! This day is all about choosing from 1-3 items from this Root Chakra enhancing food list to incorporate throughout the rest of your week. As you eat your food, mindfully enjoy them with each bite and enjoy! Not sure what to cook? Try Cassandra's favorite Easy Beet Tofu Salad!
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Let's get physical with balancing your Root Chakra! Various techniques allow you to balance, ground and center yourself with the earth element. Have fun!
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Welcome to day 4! Let's get crafty with affirmations. Review the list of affirmations in your journal, and be sure to say them out loud to see which ones resonate with you. Afterward, enjoy an affirmation activity that fits your lifestyle and make the goal to say these affirmations until you start the Sacral journal.
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Breathwork. Welcome, to Day 5! Tap into how you are feeling with the guided breathwork exercise chart. Then, try out the various methods of breathwork to see which one feels best for you and your body. Breathwork is a tool that is stored in your back pocket always ready for you when you need it, in any environment or situation.
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Experience the Earth element on day 6 with these various techniques.
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The root chakra is your first energy center located at the base of the spine. This chakra oscillates at the lowest hertz, holding your entire foundation connecting you to earth. There are many ways to balance this center, including a Mindful Walk. Indulge in this video and go experience the earth element!
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Root Chakra Crystals. Explore the power of crystals and how to choose a crystal that fuels your soul. This can be either with something you have at home or at a crystal shop!
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Well done! You have reached a milestone for the course and your healing journey to assist you with feeling grounded, calm, and knowing how to center yourself for your toolbox when life shows up.
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Welcome to Day 1! Experience and discover the difference between pleasure versus pain and what happens when you ignore sensations in your body.
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Have you hung out with a friend or loved one and felt tired, exhausted, or in a low mood compared to when you first met them? When this happens, this means that you may have picked up on someone else's energy. This is known as Clairsentience or Empathic. Discover ways to help you empower these emotions to handle your next encounters like a champ.
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Have you ever felt down or tired and not really sure why? Clairsentience, also known as empathic can be daunting to the energy field. Watch as these two roommates talk about their week, and how one roommate begins to feel drained and what she does to release the sensations of some one else's emotion.
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Enjoy this list of Sacral Chakra enhancing foods to allow yourself to let go, move, and feel the transformation of this center come to life! Looking for inspiration? Try Cassandra's favorite Roasted Carrot recipe.
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Anchor the changes you wish to have in your life with affirmations! Use the guided list of affirmations in your journal challenge yourself to use these affirmations until you start your next journal, the Solar Plexus Chakra.
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Unite your sacred dance with today's activity to rock out that Sacral Chakra energy. Invite pleasure and have fun!
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Located in the lower abdomen, below the navel is your Sacral Charka. By performing physical activities will allow you to balance this center whether overactive or underactive or to help keep it on track. Various activities are listed in your journal, so mindfully see which ones fit your health restrictions and body's needs.
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Balancing this energy center of the Sacral Chakra does not need to be hard. Let's keep it simple by nurturing yourself. Leading with love and care is the essence of life. Think of nurturing yourself as watering a thirsty plant, by responding to the flow of life. Check out the list of self-nurturing ideas in your Sacral Chakra Journal and enjoy the day. You deserve it!
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Great work on completing the Sacral Chakra Interactive Journal! Whoa, let's take a step back to take a look at what you have learned. Between the foundational work of who you are, breath work on the Root Chakra. To, then, discovering pleasure versus pain and nurturing your spirit on the Sacral Charka. All of your learnings thus far are tools that can be added to your toolbox for when life shows up. Be sure to pat yourself on the back and we will see you on the Solar Plexus week!
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The Solar Plexus is all about governing those feelings of personal power, igniting your inner flame closer to your true purpose. Dive into your first day of the Solar Plexus with the enhancing food list in your journal. Of course, use what fits your dietary and lifestyle needs. If you need a suggestion, check out Cassandra's favorite Ginger Tumeric Latte.
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Your Solar Plexus is a center that defines your self identity, will power, self esteem and so much more! Boost yourself up with this easy to follow Ginger and Tumeric Latte to feel more confident within your day.
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Learn about your Solar Plexus and how it rules over your metabolism. This is done through the foods you consume turned into the fuel that ignites your body with action and heat. On this day of Day 2, you will find various activities and lessons to go through. This ranges from examining your belly, discovering imbalances to the octopus parable. Take your time because remember that you are never behind, only on your time through the journey in this course.
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Hello Self-esteem! When did you get here? Let's talk about self-esteem because this is a vital attribute where the Solar Plexus rules over. When self-esteem is low, you may be filled with self-doubt and blame, which places your solar plexus in a static inertia mode. Check out the self-esteem checklist in your journal to see where you are and continue your healing with the guided journal prompt. They go hand in hand.
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You are the sole creator of your reality, and you can take on any challenge you face as an opportunity to get creative. Boost that Solar Plexus by gaining your power back to your personal willpower and learn how to turn obligations into choices.
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The more you are committed to affirming what you want, the more those things become a swift part of your reality. Check out the list of affirmations in your journal, repeat them out loud, say them to yourself in the mirror and get crafty with how you anchor these. Challenge yourself to say these affirmations to continue the boost of the Solar Plexus until you begin the next journal, Heart Chakra.
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Welcome to day 6! By focusing on the three attributes of self-worth, self-empowerment, and purpose will allow you to continue to cultivate that Solar Plexus Energy. Today is all about balancing this center with being mindful during the suggested physical activities for you to try. Of course, do what fits your body's needs and capabilities. Afterward, you will a spot for you to create a bucket list. Enjoy and have fun!
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"Knowledge is Power!" This phrase is accurate on many levels of the Solar Plexus. It is essential to recognize the cues and clues when you either feel or are stuck in a rut of powerlessness. Powerlessness means feeling without power, strength, or ability. Though, how you react to someone or something is the internal power you can cultivate. Balance your Solar Plexus with these fun activities in your journal. There are multiple options, so of course, do what feels best for your body and routine.
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Congratulations on completing the Solar Plexus Journal! WOW! You not only have completed the solar plexus, but you are on your way to success in balancing all your lower chakra extremities! This is HUGE! This is the foundation of you, so let's keep the momentum going leading up to that heart chakra. Don't forget to take a deep breath, smile, and give yourself a big ol' hug. Onward and upward, my friend! Let's keep building those tools in your box for your future.
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Welcome to Day 1 of the Heart Chakra journal! The love you experience in the heart charka is different from passionate and sexual love. This center is all about viewing the world through relationships and knowing that we are already connected through unconditional love. Get ready for the discovery of the conditions, organs, and imbalances of the heart chakra. Followed with affirmations! Challenge yourself to use these affirmations until you reach your next chakra series journal, the throat chakra. Have fun!
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Welcome to day 2! Experience the power of chanting through the Heart Chakra seed syllable YAM. When chanting YAM to balance your heart center, this can be in the shower, car, or in a sitting position, etc. Chanting has a plethora of benefits that include heightened awareness, relaxation to the muscles, and assists you with being proactive from day-to-day activities. In your journal, you will find other chanting suggestions. Allow this to be fun, and check out other chanting artists on YouTube. There are many great ones out there!
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The heart chakra is your fourth energy center located at the heart center of the chest. Love and compassion are essential while balancing this energetic center which can be expressed through chanting the seed syllable known as YAM.
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When it comes to the heart chakra, love and compassion are vital for opening that heart center up. So, today, allow yourself time to discover which heart chakra boosting exercise feels best for you! There are various suggestions, so of course, do what fits your lifestyle and body's needs.
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The vibration and field around your heart chakra can vary based upon the foods you eat. Today, your goal is to incorporate heart chakra enhancing foods from the suggested list that suit your dietary and lifestyle needs. Challenge yourself to eat at least 1-3 items from the list every day until you have completed the rest of this heart chakra journal. Challenge yourself to make 1 dish; if you need a suggestion check out Cassandra's favorite Kiwi Sorbet.
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The most powerful tool you can have for transformation is breathwork. Breathwork can assist with burning toxins, release stored emotions, and alter the state of your consciousness. Today, Day 5 is full of various breathwork activities, so take your time and be mindful as you experience, which suits your body and ability to relax.
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Love is the answer to everything. A powerful affirmation that goes with the theme of today, Day 6. Love is what unites things together and keeps them in a relationship. This includes you and the relationship you have with yourself. Healing begins with approval and understanding that we are already connected. Get ready to clear your love path with today's activities. In your journal, you will find a list of words that reduce the flow of love, followed by how to be an expression of love. Enjoy, the day my friend!
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Welcome to Day 7! Today is all about creating a personal bond with yourself. Use this journal and suggested tips for taking yourself on a date. Begin to self-discover things that you may have never known before with the guided scripts and questions along the journey from your journal.
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Well done! You have completed the heart chakra journal! WOW! Take a moment and self-reflect on your path. If you have been going non-stop between journals, be sure to take a break and enjoy each moment. Be sure to check in with loved ones and let them know how you are doing in this course and if you are beginning to feel any internal growths.
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Welcome to Day 1 of the throat charka journal! Let's keep this momentum and take a deep breath in and discover body sensations going on within. Recognize if you have or had experienced any throat chakra imbalances, and be sure to end your day with the guided journal prompt.
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The throat chakra cores lesson is learning about the power of spoken words with truth, creative expression, and loyalty to yourself and others around you. That's a big lesson! Communication comes in all styles, including telepathy. Telepathy is what people are not saying, but it feels as if one could read your mind or get a sense of knowing what you are thinking. Indulge in Day 2 and the activities of boosting your telepathy.
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Welcome to day 3! Today, let's discover the ethereal plane. The ethereal plane is an energy source that is a collection of living world vibrations that you can intuitively experience as aura, light, or sound vibrations. To help better understand this plane through the throat chakra, use your journal as a guide to analyzing conversations had in a user-friendly way with the guided chart.
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Immerse yourself in this engaging situation between two roommates to demonstrate the two conversational tones of passive aggressive behavior and emotional tones with an end result of a balanced approach.The throat chakra is the realm that controls, creates, transmits, and receives communication both within yourself and others around you.
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Balancing your throat chakra can come in all shapes and sizes. Listening deeply and speaking with conviction are vital. So, mindfully and slowly read through the suggestions in your journal and allow the right boosting exercises to you.
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The power of chanting is real! Check this out, the idea behind chanting is a manta is to eliminate the noise in your mind. This can allow your mind to become quiet, calm, and collected and eventually wash over your body. Discover how to chant the throat chakra seed syllable HAM and balance this center of communication in and around your body.
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Discover a simple technique to assist you with balancing the center related to communication through sound, vibration, self-expression, and creativity. The throat chakra is the realm that controls, creates, transmits, and receives communication both within yourself and others around you.
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The throat chakra is the first chakra that can assist in bringing your spirit into the physical realm, connecting you to your true essence. So, let's get in the kitchen and look at throat chakra enhancing foods that assist you with keeping this center in balance. In your journal, you will find a list of foods that will help you along your path. Of course, follow your diet and lifestyle needs to be successful. If you are looking for a suggestion, be sure to check out Cassandra's favorite Blueberry Over Night Oats Recipe!
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Welcome to day 7! Today, discover the law of resonance. The law of resonance is when two things will resonate and connect in frequencies aligning with one another. You will find a guided activity to evaluate your resonance with those closest to you in your journal. Remember, as you create this list, this list is for you and your eyes only.
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YAY! You have completed the throat chakra journal! Be sure to write down your thoughts and feelings on your journey thus far and communicate how it is going for you with loved ones. Also, reflect on what life was like before reaching this point, or right before you started on day one on the Root Chakra. Well done, friend!
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Welcome to day 1 of the third eye! The third eye governs supports perception beyond your regular sight and governs your intuition. Today, discover associations with this energy center of your body, recognizing cues and clues that your body gives when something can be overactive or underactive.
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The third eye is where your mastermind plugs into a new type of wisdom. Allow yourself to check out the suggested third eye chakra foods in your journal and see which ones fit into your diet and lifestyle. Challenge yourself to eat 1-3 items for the rest of the time as you complete the third eye journal. This can be simply tea or food that resonates with the color of the chakra. If you need inspiration, Cassandra offers her favorite Blackberry Rice Cake Tart recipe!
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Allow your intuition to shine today! Your third eye acts as a storehouse of your intimate screened images of the physical world. Let's continue the momentum and use the suggested activities to activate your third eye. Of course, do what feels best for your body and lifestyle needs.
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Discover a list of essential oils that can assist with boosting your third-eye chakra, as well as inspiration for how to use crystals.The third-eye chakra is located in the head, in the middle of your forehead. Since the third eye is located within the head, that means this chakra is more mental in nature and is not associated associated with the element of light.your visions become perceptions that must be translated into other forms like language, actions, or emotions before they can be shared. When the third eye begins to open, you may experience a range of sensations. But keep in mind, these vary from person to person.
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Empower yourself with new knowledge of symptoms of the third eye-opening! Have you experienced any of these in the past? How about now as you work through this journal? Explore day 4 activities with an open mind while being gentle with yourself.
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Day 5 in here, great job! Indulge in a clairvoyant and discover just how clairvoyant you are.
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Welcome to day 6! Allow yourself to immerse in experiencing which third eye boosting exercise is best for your needs and lifestyle. There are many suggested in your journal, so mindfully read through them to see which one gives your body tingles or makes you smile. On some of these activities, you may need a friend, pet or loved one around to help you. Have child-like fun through this process and enjoy the day!
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The Law of attraction is the theme of today! The more you are committed to affirming the things you want in your life, the more they become a swift part of your reality. Allow yourself to get crafty with the suggested affirmation list in your journal and see which ones resonate most with you. As you do this process, be sure to say them out loud and even say them to yourself in the mirror. Stay strong and let's keep this momentum going! Well done!
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I cannot emphasize how proud I am for you getting to this point of the course! You are building the foundation of a whole new you, growing from the inner world, and soon will fall into place more "cozy" in your external world. Be sure to check in with how you are feeling and your loved ones. Everything you have completed thus far is adding to your toolbox. What stands out to you the most?
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Welcome to day 1 of the crown charka journal! Today, discover the power of mediation and what consciousness is, and the type. As your read through your journal, be mindful of your mind, body, and spirit.
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Welcome to day 2! Define your chakra matrix and use the technique of heavy and light to discover themes that are occurring with your life. Afterward, indulge in the discovery of associations of the crown chakra-related organs, emotional signs, and conditions.
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When talking about the crown chakra, you can think of it as a play. A stage that brings tragedy alongside comedy, excitement, and boredom as you sit in the audience and identify with the characters. The characters, in this instance, are your thoughts. Today's journal prompts are about the boosting exercise to enhance your crown chakra! Mindfully read through each suggestion, and see which one resonates best with your lifestyle.
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To have light, you must have dark. Sometimes, when you begin to meditate or get heavy into meditation, there can be what appears to be 'dark' energies. This is normal, and there are various techniques one can do to assist with balance when encountering this. Take your time with today because these activities listed in your journal can be an emotional day. Stay strong, and let's keep the momentum going!
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The crown chakra is the last major chakra within the Traditional Hindu Chakra system. This chakra is connected to your unlimited spiritual self and source. Today, for day 5, discover shadow work and how to perform shadow work with simple step-by-step techniques. Take your time with these activities listed in your journal and be mindful of the courage and strength you are cultivating each day.
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Today is affirmation day! Whew! Take a break from the heavy mediations and allow your inner child to come out and get crafty with affirmations. Because the more you are committed to affirming the things you want in your life, the more they become a swift part of your reality rewiring the neurotransmitters in your brain. In your journal, use the suggested list to see which affirmations resonate with you. Read them out loud and say them to yourself in the mirror. Have fun!
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About The Crown Chakra: When it comes to the Crown Chakra it relates to everything that you experience in the mind. You can think of the mind as a stage that brings tragedy alongside comedy, excitement and boredom as you sit in the audience able to identify with the characters – The characters meaning your thoughts. As you watch this play of thoughts, your mind assimilates experience into meaning and constructs your belief system. It is these very belief systems that create your reality. The crown chakra is the dimension of the mind, awareness, thought, intelligence and information.About this Meditation: This guided Crown Chakra meditation is infused with Reiki offering a full body chakra cleanse with anchored positive crown chakra affirmations.What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that focuses on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. This energy healing helps you broaden your perspective and understand that you are more than just your physical body. Reiki can surround you through an energetic field to help ease your mind, reduce your pain, and bring balance to your life.
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Welcome to day 7!! Today, we will review what energy work is and how to detect energy in your hands with a technique called Byosen scanning used in Reiki. Also, you will find a fun, kick-back Tea Cup ritual. Enjoy this day and fun activities because you deserve it! Then, think of your goals and make them SMART. Well done!
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Congratulations! Now that you have completed this Interactive Chakra Series Course, your journey does not end here.
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Cassandra is an energy enthusiast, author, Reiki Master Teacher with both spiritual and hospital experience, Master Aromatherapist, and a practitioner of Access Consciousness specializing in the Traditional Hindu Chakra System who is dedicated to research and exploration of chakra health. Her journey began in 2012 during the passing stages of her grandfather, and a guided uncle shared the enchantment of Reiki. By learning and exploring the body through the Chakra System, you will be able to achieve success, expansion, and self-empowerment for your future tomorrow.
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