
4 Best Techniques to Heal the Third Eye Chakra

Gaining awareness and learning how to heal the third eye chakra is essential for bridging languages, perspectives, and enhancing vision. Understanding the interconnected nature of all chakras is a foundational step in navigating the complexities of daily life. This very interconnectedness extends to your endocrine system, emphasizing the significant impact this relationship has on the emotional, mental, and physical dimensions of well-being.

What is the Third-Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra, or Ajna Chakra in Sanskrit, occupies the sixth position among the seven primary chakras within your body. Renowned as the "perception center," it is often described as the soul's seat and serves as a portal to your higher consciousness. The third-eye chakra is located in the head, in the middle of your forehead, associated with the indigo color. On a spinal chart, you will find it C1-2.

This chakra is intimately linked with the concept of light, symbolizing clarity, insight, and spiritual enlightenment. Thus, it plays a pivotal role in achieving heightened states of awareness and is a central point of focus during asana (yoga postures) or meditation practices.

What is the Third Eye Chakra Responsible For

Physiologically, the Ajna Chakra is associated with several critical structures within the brain, including the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and pineal gland. These glands play essential roles in regulating hormonal balances, influencing both physical and psychological functions. Additionally, the ajna chakra has connections with your sensory organs, specifically the eyes, ears, and nose, further emphasizing its role in perception and understanding.

The harmonious functioning of the third eye chakra is crucial for cultivating a deep sense of intuition, enabling individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and access a broader, more spiritual perspective on life.

What Causes Third-Eye Chakra Imbalances

The throat chakra imbalances can arise from a variety of environmental factors that are influenced by your daily activities and exposures. While the specific emotional states related to the third eye chakra can fluctuate greatly among individuals, there are common signs that may indicate an imbalance or overactivity in the Anja.

Addressing the unique needs of the third eye chakra requires a personalized approach. So, I recommend starting with a self-assessment to identify potential influences on this energy center. This process involves deep introspection, where you examine a variety of factors that could be impacting your intuition center. By reflecting on these elements, you can determine which ones truly align with your current experiences, recognizing that their relevance may evolve over time due to the dynamic and fluid nature of energy and the chakras.

And when you find something in this list that resonates with your cells, or you seem really resistant on, just ask yourself, "Do I need more of this?" or "Do I need less of this?" To determine if it is overactive or underactive.

Emotional and Mental Signs of Third Eye Chakra Imbalances

  • Lack of trust in intuition
  • Inability to let go of logic
  • Nightmares
  • Being judgmental
  • Feel of Disillusioned
  • Mental fog and lack of clarity
  • Disconnected from your intuition
  • Fearful about the possible intangible insights passing into your mind's eye
  • Not feeling creative 

Physical Symptoms of the Third Eye Chakra Imbalances 

  • Blurred vision
  • Eye strain
  • Headaches
  • Ear related issues
  • Sinus problems
  • Disrupted sleep

How to Know When The Third Eye is Open

Your ajna chakra, or third eye chakra, is a crucial energy center known for its significant impact on perception, intuition, and connection to spiritual insight. When your energy center begins to open or becomes more/re-activated several signs and symptoms may manifest, indicating its alignment and balance. Some of the common signs associated with a Third-Eye Chakra opening include:

Signs of the Third-Eye Opening:

  • A feeling of pressure between the eyebrows
  • Increased intuition and psychic abilities
  • Increased light sensitivity
  • Increased smell, taste and hearing
  • The sense of gradual and continual change
  • Seeing colors of blue or purple (indigo)
  • A feeling of vibration and rhythm from your surroundings
  • Greater self awareness
  • Reduced Anxiety and Stress

How to Heal the Third Eye Chakra

Color Therapy

Color, as the spectrum through which light is perceived, is rich, vibrant, and deeply integral to our visual experience. It forms the essence of how you see and interpret the world. A significant portion of the information you receive and process daily is visual, and these visual cues, including colors, have subtle yet profound healing effects on the mind, body, and spirit.

Utilizing the specific colors associated with the chakras can be a powerful method for meditation or as a mnemonic device. Each of the seven primary chakras is linked to a distinct color, which represents its unique energy and qualities. By focusing on these colors during meditation, or even wearing or using the color through out your day, you can facilitate a deeper connection with the chakra you are healing. This practice can lead to improved balance, well-being, and spiritual awareness.

Wear or Use the Color Of the Third Eye

If you don't have something indigo/deep purple/deep blue to wear you can simply use or place something near you through out your day with the color making sure you see it every now and again.

  1. Look through your closet and see if you have anything in the shades of indigo or deep purple, or just simply purple.
  2. This can literally be anything in your wardrobe. A shirt, scarf, belt, sweater, hat, undies, pants, skirt, shorts, bangles, necklace, earrings, ring, - Any accessory item with your outfit. Painting your nails, etc.
  3. If you have it, grab that wear it proud! Knowing you are putting the intention of boosting your third eye in some way today. Challenge: Tell some one what you are doing with the color to make your episode of a day more fun and engaging.
  4. If you find yourself not having anything in your wardrobe that relates to the third eye color, get creative. You can find a pen, mug, crayon, sticker, fruit, flowers, light bulb, change the theme on your computer to match a indigo color, or theme on your phone - Anything here! Allow yourself to get creative and use or place it in front of you.
  5. The goal of this activity is to see the color through out your day weather boom in your face or on the side so your subconscious can see and process the perceived color to integrate with your energy.
  6. Every time you see the color, use it as a reminder to take a moment to recognize where your breath is at, and consciously inhale in for 6-8 seconds and consciously exhale for 6-8 seconds. Just making sure it is equal. Challenge: Use one of the affirmations listed in this article to state to yourself each time you see the color.
  7. At the end of your day, journal about your day. Did you notice anything different through out the day? Do you notice anything different after playing around with the color? Did you tell people what you were doing - Will they join you on your self case study? Play here and let creativity expand. Challenge: In the comments below let me know how this activity works for you!

Bath in Sunlight

Bathing in sunlight can be an extremely rejuvenating practice that benefits your third eye chakra. This can be direct or through glass in a window. Almost like how you see cats bathing in the sun. The vibrant spectrum of light that passes through not only enriches the visual experience with its myriad color but also carries potential healing properties for the mind and spirit. This practice, known for its calming and balancing effects, can stimulate and activate the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing intuition and inner wisdom.

Drink Water in a Blue Colored Glass

Placing purified water in a blue-colored glass jar or container and then charging it in the sunshine for a few hours is a practice believed to have profound effects on the body, particularly in cleansing and energizing to help heal the third eye chakra. 

Drinking this charged water is said to not only hydrate the physical body but also to cleanse energetically, aiding in the release of stored memories and blockages related to the third eye. This practice can enhance clarity of thought, intuition, and connection to one's inner guidance. 

Affirmations to Heal the Third Eye Chakra

Using affirmations is a powerful technique for reshaping thought patterns and fostering the development of new, positive neural pathways in the brain. By committing to a regular affirmation practice, you essentially affirm your desires and acknowledge the legitimacy of your needs and wishes being fulfilled.

Third Eye Affirmations

When selecting affirmations, its important to choose phrases that resonate with you. So make sure you allow for a natural and fluent expression because these statements should feel comfortable and authentic when you speak them out loud. Consider the following list as a starting point, and feel free to adapt or create your own affirmations to align more closely with your personal intentions and desires. 

After the affirmations have been chosen, the goal is to state to yourself daily – multiple times a day. Challenge: If you're dedicating time to heal, state these affirmations to yourself for 1 full week.

  1. I hear with love
  2. I see with love and joy
  3. I accept my past and all the lessons I have learned
  4. I am open to inspiration and bliss
  5. I trust my intuition
  6. I see all that is well in my world
  7. I see solutions to my situations and make positive changes now
  8. I am in touch with my inner guidance
  9. I seek to understand and to learn from life experiences
  10. More and more now, I am wise, intuitive, and connect with my inner guide
  11. I nurture my spirit

Distant Reiki to Heal the Third Eye Chakra 

Distant Reiki emerges as an innovative healing method that profoundly impacts mental, emotional, and physical health. Its origins trace back to Japan, drawing significant inspiration from the peaceful ambiance of Mt. Kurama in Kyoto. This technique uniquely overcomes geographical limitations, enabling the transmission of healing energy over long distances.

Applying distant reiki to your  third eye chakra can lead to deeper healing, enhancing your personal insight and strengthen that much needed intuition in today's world. Whether practiced on its own or combined with meditation and other spiritual exercises, distant Reiki can bring cellular energy into harmony, contributing to overall balance and well-being.

Final Thoughts

By focusing on one chakra at a time, particularly your third eye chakra, you can attain deeper insights into its distinct role and influence on your overall health. The third eye chakra is pivotal in fostering your intuition, insight, and connecting to a higher consciousness. Plus, when you address each chakra individually, it allows for a targeted approach to personal development for your own healing and where you are at. It facilitates the identification of specific areas that may require attention and provides a structured pathway to address them. This method contributes to a harmonious and balanced chakra system, enhancing not only your intuitive and perceptive abilities but also improving your overall quality of life. It's time for you to unlock a broader understanding of the world, enabling a more profound connection to the myriad languages, perspectives, and visions that shape our experience.

About the Author

Hi! My name is Cassandra, but feel free to call me Cass. I consider myself lucky because I got to marry my best friend, I love cats, and journal every day. I am here to talk about all my favorite niches that I eat, live and breathe, passionately about between Reiki, Chakras, Meditation, Breathwork and Aromatherapy. Not to mention, I am certified in all categories and working with clients since 2012. I discovered the value of showing up for myself in some way every single day and these methods and information shouldn't be kept a secret anymore. I am ready to share this wealth of knowledge in the Aquarian age we live in today. The time is now to become the first rate version of YOU. Let's get you there together 💖


affirmations, kriya, meditation, third eye, third eye chakra

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  • Hi,

    Thank you for this informative article. I am a bit of a novice when it comes to this kind of stuff, but am finding it very interesting. I like the idea of the third eye boosting techniques, and they would have other benefits too. Meditation is also starting to internet me, as I believe it is great to change your mindset.

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